Forgot to mention a few things that Vinnie fixed up today:
Connected up the Shifter Rod that had came loose and unconnected (still no gears to feel)
Fixed the Relay for the headlights. Made a buzz sound when headlights turned on and blinkers didn't worth but hazards did. Both work fine now.
Checked everything for leaks and oil. Everything good except for the coolant tank has a leak.
Took apart the dash and got the ignition switch out so we can turn the electricals on
Replaced Battery
Took off and apart the key tumbler to try and fix it, might be ok, might need replacing. Yet to tell
Checked clutch line, throttle, exhaust valve all good - whole motor looks fine
Checked Coil packs and Spark Plugs
Checked everything electrical - All works fine except LHS Mirror Motor and LHS windscreen water jet
Haven't Started the car yet because of the gear problem. Seems unpredictable what will happen if its locked in a gear but everything on the engine side of things looks good.
We havent managed to get the car off the ground yet to start work on it because it is too low to even get a jack under! The car is so low and stiff that when we found one spot we could semi-jack at the back left, the right came up with it. Tomorrows job involves digging a hole in the ground for the jack to sit in so that we can get the car up on stands.
Tomorrow I'll write a whole list of the things that need to be replaced and fixed. Heres a few photo's from tonight, I didn't take many.
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