Finally today we got the Gearbox out! Originally we thought we could fix it but it was completely wrecked! When we took it out there was chunks of gears all through the box as well as just powdered metal. No oil at all in the gearbox. A bearing casing also busted and a few of the balls had fallen out. Teeth on the differential were chewed and missing and nothing worked at all! The removal was pretty easy, lowering it down was another thing! If you need help replacing it or whatever let me know by email ({) and I'll let you know what we did. It was basically just a whole heap of bolts that connected the gearbox to the motor, as well as disconnecting the starter motor, gearbox mount, speedo cable, ground wire and reverse light sensor. Make sure if you do this to support the engine by placing a jack under the oil pan. Basically the way that we lowered the gearbox instead of using a jack and guiding it down (which would have been alot easier) was to use Vinnie and several blocks of wood! Even though this wasn't the easiest way to get it down it seemed like it would be quicker as we could move it to the side and guide it easier. So Vinnie layed in the pit with blocks of wood on his chest while I undid the last few bolts. Then had a few count downs from three while he held the gearbox up and I took away a plank of wood each time! Not the easiest or smartest way but it got the gearbox off nice and carefully… even though Vinnie got a little crushed! So then we took apart the gearbox to have a look at the damage and yeah it was ruined! So there’s a few pictures of the small pit we made, taking out the gearbox and the inside of it (including gear chunks and powdered metal!)
We also removed the clutch from the flywheel. Well, It wasn’t really a clutch anymore it was completely ruined! We bought the clutch “just in case” and were going to see which clutch would be best to go back in to the car. When we took off the gearbox the first most noticeable thing was the amount of clutch fluff and dust everywhere! It was caught in all of the teeth of the pressure plate and big chunks were just laying around. There was actually no clutch left on the plate and the metal that supports the clutch material showed signs of wear which hinted that even though this clutch was screwed they still tried to use it! So there’s some pictures here of the old clutch, or what was left of it, some clutch fluff, the replacement EXEDY clutch, pressure plate and clutch housing and the new clutch installed.
Next post will be the install of the new gearbox
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